In His Great Name Ministry Journey, Apostle Danita Jones began to evangelize to the “Lightning Community” in 1996 by teaching that the love of God was the foundation for healthy relationships and the essential ingredient for living a life of peace and fulfillment. Many individuals began to yearn for living new lives in Jesus Christ. It became apparent to Apostle Jones that God was positioning her to impact the world, one person at a time.
She adopted the slogan “When we reach the children, we reach the world, plant a seed, and watch it grow.” Establishment of “In His GREAT Name Ministry” (IHGNM), a holistic outreach ministry with programs geared towards the T.R.E.E. (teaching, revitalizing, equipping and empowering) program. "Say Yes", design concept is a youth program patterned by Campus Crusades for Christ,
While ministering to prostitutes and exotic dancers, Apostle Jones saw God begin to free these women from drugs, alcohol, sex addiction, homosexuality, prostitution, and abuse.
As a result, “Restoring and Equipping Broken Vessels” women’s ministry was born. Life-altering changes were taking place in the lives of these women and their children, as local churches partnered to meet their needs during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Housed program in 2000 with donated space at 81 Dodd Street in Fairburn, GA.
In His G.R.E.A.T. Name Ministry became incorporated and applied for a non-profit status. As community issues were addressed through innovative approaches, individual lives were changing, and those changed individuals were inspiring others. The first summer camp and after school program began with 25 children.
The first Annual Prayer Walk, the first Christmas toy give away, partners with Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, New Hope Baptist Church. IHGNM established programs enlisting the support of leaders in the community to assist in making the vision a reality. IHGNM began providing Bible study, a women’s discipleship, a GED program, job training, placement opportunities, substance abuse referrals, mentoring, school delinquency/expulsion prevention programs, anger management counseling, and abstinence programs.
IHGNM expanded its reach beyond the “Lightning Community” to serve the broader South Fulton population. Establishing the Summer Food Program Purchase of a 15,000 square foot building. Received donations from two businessmen to assist in full purchasing of the IHGNM property. With the assistance of reliable and responsible mentors and volunteers, IHGNM established a youth and parent support system, thereby aiding in the reduction of school policy and public law violations; added life skill classes for young adults and parenting classes.
Recognizing the insurmountable influence of today’s culture on youth and teens, IHGNM began to focus on the restoration of angered and hurting children – through education, positive reinforcement, and goal setting. IHGNM partnered with Christian substance abuse programs to aid chemically dependent clients. To diminish the sale of illegal drugs and the service of prostitution. IHGNM created vocational programs to assist with job placement.
The process of developing a Christ-like character continued to be the ultimate goal and purpose of IHGNM. To implement this level of change, IHGNM increased its realm of partnerships to include other organizations such as Mary Hall Recovery, Potter’s House Recovery, and United Way.
IHGNM expanded its influence to reach other cultures, particularly the Latino community. Members of Latino gangs began to receive the gift of salvation and learn the true meaning of being delivered from sin. IHGNM assisted in the placement of ex-gang members into the Job Corp Program and encouraged former gang members to re-enroll in the public school system.
Established IHGNM programs continued to grow and impact residents of the South Fulton County, and far beyond.
The first annual Thanksgiving Dinner to feed the homeless and less fortunate with a great collaboration with Temple of Prayer (our hosts), the Fairburn Police Department with Captain Jeremy Rogers, Casablanca Café’ Rick and Urusal Hilley and Landmark Christian School football team.
The 2nd annual Thanksgiving Dinner was held at Landmark Christian School.
The first phase of renovation began (front office, food bank, classrooms, and resale store).
Expanded Ministry to include our first GED classroom.
Coming Together Day Block Party changed to Flavor on the Southside.
Created partnership with Fulton County Foster Parents to make the community aware of the need to place our children back in their own community.
Continued forming partnerships with other agencies to enhance the opportunities for the development of its clients.
Experienced the greatest blessing of unity between sixteen churches partnering to feed the homeless and less fortunate.
Reduction in crime rates, teen pregnancy, and dropout rates.
Six program participants graduated high school with five attending college.
Continued to bridge the gap between businesses, government, and churches.
Worked to form South Fulton County partnerships to enhance the opportunities for the personal growth and development of local residents.
Partnership with Toys for Tot and the Empty Stocking Fund for Christmas gifts for the underprivileged children.
A new home for our Annual Thanksgiving dinner at Fairburn Youth activity Center.
Van was donated Partner with Midwest Food Bank Increase in providing social services Increase in providing food and clothes.